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Letting your crystal/stone choose you

I have so many people who ask me about the stones that I have and their meaning. The truth is that there are over 3,000 stones discovered here on Earth thus far. And we all are aware that discoveries are made every day. So let me offer a bit of small information on the stones that I do have. Here at BeRazzling, I make sure to keep a variety for you to choose from for custom orders.

Stone Types and Meanings

`Amazonite - Divine Manifestation, Self Confidence, Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energies

`Amethyst - Improves Thought Process, Helps with Addictions, Relieves Anxiety, Enhances Vitality

`Bloodstone - Neutralize Toxins, Boost Vitality, Stabilizing and Grounding Energy

`Blue Apatite - Pushes Personal Power and Growth of Knowledge, Stimulates Creativity

`Blue Calcite - Connects Emotions to Intellect, Personal Growth and Mind Expansion

`Blue Kyanite - Helps Aid with Trauma, Removes Blockages, Awaken Your Truth, Mind Healer

``Blue Lace Agate - Tranquilizes and Cools Mind, Removes Desperation, Promotes Happiness

`Blue Tiger's Eye - Abundance Attraction, Enhances Psychic Skills, Banishes Negative Thoughts

`Brown Tiger's Eye - Increase Self-Courage, Strong Grounding Properties, Powerful Protection

`Bumblebee Jasper - Boosts Physical Energy, Improves Spiritual Health, Emotional Healer

`Carnelian - Anger Management, Strong Grounding and Mental Clarity, Encourages Acceptance

`Chrysocolla - Personal Power, Helps Overcome Phobias, Alleviates Guilt, Promotes Honesty

`Chrysoprase - Strong Detoxification of the Body and Mind, Centers Thoughts, Sleep Aid

`Citrine - Encourages Manifestations, Energizes, Promotes Happiness, Improves Digestion

`Clear Quartz - Amplifies Yours/Other Crystal Energies, Purify Negativity, Boost Immune System 

`Dalmatian Jasper -Enhance Creativity, Open Sacral Chakra, Develop Better Habits

`Dragon Blood - Purification, Improve Health, Opens Expression of Affection

`Druzy Agate - Boost Immune System, Fights Reoccurring Pain, Flush Toxins

`Emerald - Boosts Love, Boosts Creativity, Attracts Abundance, Improves Communication

`Fluorite - Heals the Heart & Body, Opens and Balances Heart Chakra, Luck & Wealth

`Garnet - Protection, Manifestation, Powerful Energy Source, Stimulates Metabolism

`Green Aventurine - Balances Emotions, Attracts Prosperity & Luck, Clears Negativity

`Hematite - Firm Grounding Abilities, Absorbs Negativity, Helps Establish Boundaries

`Labradorite - Stimulates Spiritual Connections, Relieves Tension, Heals Mental & Emotional Wounds

`Lapis Lazuli - Deepens Self Love & Mental Connection, Enhances Intuition and Inner Wisdom

`Lava Rock - Assertive Earthly Energy & Practical Restraint/Able to Absorb Essential Oils

`Malachite - Strengthens Boundaries, Attracts Fortune, Protects Against Danger, Absorbs Pollutants

`Moonstone - Promotes Intuitive Decision Making, Encourages Psychic Abilities, Ceases Mental Traumas

`Moss Agate - Detoxes Mind, Body & Soul, Unblock Root & Heart Chakras, Increases Fertility

`Obsidian - Self-Growth, Self-Control, Absorbs Negativity, Strong Grounding and Cleansing

`Onyx - Strengthen Character, Protects Against Negativity, Stimulates Stamina, Energy of the Moon

`Opal - Regulates Moods, Wealth, Blood Purification, Stimulates Change, Relieves PMS Symptoms

`Opalite - Alleviates Depression & Anxiety, Aids w/ Sleeping Better, Decrease Mental Fog

`Pearl - Protects Against Effects Of  The Moon, Heals Emotionally, Attract Luck and Wealth

`Peridot - Strengthens Immune System, Promotes Better Sleeping Habits, Boosts Happiness

`Picture Jasper - Strong Grounding, Clear Bodily Toxins, Release Negative Feelings

`Prehnite - Helps Ease Nightmares & Phobias, Improves Patience, Feelings & Emotional Healer

`Pyrite - Empowers You To Take Action, Attracts Abundance, Supports Sexual Expression

`Red Jasper - Enhances Vitality, Cleanses Blood, Fights Against Anxiety, Fear, Stress, and Confusion

`Red Tiger's Eye - Protects Against & Grounds Negative Energies, Increase Low Sex Drive, Stimulates Motivation

`Rhodonite - Detoxes Organs, Stimulate Metabolism, Helps Deal With & Heal Emotional Trauma

`Rose Quartz - Balances Heart and Circulatory System, Promotes Unconditional Love, Compassion, Kindness & Peace

`Selenite - Cleanses and Purifies Mind, Body, &b Soul, Divine Intuition, Reduces Pain & Inflammation

`Seraphinite - Decreases Cancer Cells, Supports Heart & Lung Activity, Promotes Love & Wealth

`Shungite - Protects Against EMF Waves, Purifies Water, Brings About Spiritual Growth, Cleanses Aura

`Smokey Quartz - Great For Grounding, Relieves Anxiety & Invites Prosperity, Manifest Dreams, Heals Ailments

`Sodalite - Intense Emotional Healer, Enhances Communication, Clears Mind To Support 3rd Eye Chakra

`Solar Quartz - Enhance Energy, Uplift Emotional State, Purifies Mental, Spiritual, and Physical Well-Being

`Snowflake Obsidian - Relaxes Mind, Body, & Soul, Wards Off Negativity, Brings Sense of Security and Serenity

`Sunstone - Good Fortune & Luck, Supports All Chakras, Boosts Vitality & Helps Enforce Boundaries, Restoration

`Tourmaline - Relief From Stress, Powerful Protector, Powerful Grounding, Improve Cognitive Functions

`Turquoise - Improves Immunity, Fights Radiation, Good For Panic Attacks, Eliminates Bad Personality Traits

`Unakite - Balances Bodily Fluids, Helps w/ Depression, Promotes Harmony Between Youthfulness & Maturity

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